Serie di fotografie stampate sulle bandierine italiane, come rappresentazione di un momento di festa italiana.
Several artistic versions of the Italian flag and a series of photographic works to demonstrate 'Italian holiday life'.

Title : “Italians Flags”.
Material: little Italian flags
Date May 2007
The work presented by the artist is about the Italian Alpine Army reunion in Cuneo (12-13 May 2007).
The artist, Domenico Olivero, lives in downtown Cuneo and witnessed this period of happiness and friendship and was inspired to create this work.
Over 500,000 Alpini arrive on Italian city every year for annual reunion and have a big party and event. The artist brings one line of smalls flags (these little flags have been installed, during the month of May 2007, in various streets of Cuneo to decorate the city for this event; see the attached photo) and uses them like a page for a daily diary.
Every day, from 8 to 14 of May 2007, the artist made a small comment and drawing about these events on the flags. In parallel, he created a daily web page on the blog site :
Project commissioned by HF Contemporary Art London UK.
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